The Times of India has an innovative education program i.e. NIE (Newspaper In Education) which aims at bringing the entire world and its happenings into the classroom.
Keeping in mind the importance of reading the newspaper and to inculcate good reading habits amongst students, the school intends to continue with the above program.
The details for the same are as follows:-
The Times of India group will charge Rs.340/- for 134 issues.
Each student shall receive in the classroom a special student edition of the Times of India Newspaper on every working day of the school.
Those students who wish to subscribe to the Newspaper must pay Rs.340/-in cash to the class teacher on or before 8th April 2019.
The Times of India has an innovative education program i.e. NIE (Newspaper In Education) which aims at bringing the entire world and its happenings into the classroom.
Keeping in mind the importance of reading the newspaper and to inculcate good reading habits amongst students, the school intends to continue with the above program.
The details for the same are as follows:-
The Times of India group will charge Rs.370/- for 176 issues.
Each student shall receive in the classroom a special student edition of the Times of India Newspaper on every working day of the school.
Those students who wish to subscribe to the Newspaper must pay Rs.370/-in cash to the class teacher on or before 8th April 2019.
Tomorrow’s diversity depends on teaching today’s children to conserve wildlife and value and appreciate the same. Awareness of conservation begins when children are young. Thus taking, ‘Extinct and Endangered species’ as the theme for the month, our little ones will learn about these species and also one’s role and responsibility as a global citizen. We look upon the young generation to be a part of the conservation drive and help us conserve planet Earth.
Methodology: Effective usage of Audio Visual learning, technology, art and craft and role plays.
Introduction to digraphs and the revision of the below mentioned tricky words.
Your, go, no, so, my, do, all, are, you.
Phonic books will reinforce the concepts learnt.
Do reinforce the use of new vocabulary: gobble, gulp, swallow, conversation, talk, chat
Cooperation: This month, the children will learn the value of cooperation. They will strive to cooperate, collaborate and lead or follow as the situation demands.
The students will learn numerals from 1 – 40 with number names three, four and five. We shall also do concepts of matching, introduction to oval shape with recapitulation of other shapes.
The concept of the Rainbow and its colours will be explained.
Dates to Remember:
Magical Monsoon
Students to come dressed up or get any object related to monsoon season (e.g. – umbrella, mushroom, corn, rainbow, etc.) and say a few sentences on it.
Project Display
An invite with details will be sent.
Students to bring daddy’s old T-shirt for gardening activity.
A soft copy of the Rhymes for the month will be mailed to you.
At Home You Can:
Encourage your child to watch television programmes and films on endangered species that stress the importance of conservation. The more interaction you have with the child about wildlife conservation, the more opportunities there are for them to appreciate the importance of our diverse and fragile ecology.
You may donate a portion of the child’s allowance to a reputable conservation group.
Web resource links that can help you in your venture include:
According to Early Care and Education professionals, nature provides great opportunities to learn more about animals, foster curiosity, and nurture children’s innate feelings of love and concern for wild creatures. These skills and feelings are more important today than ever!
As young children are drawn to animals of all kinds, there is definitely something special about children’s interest in animals. Thus through this theme the students will learn about animals and their habitat. They will get in-depth knowledge about apes and reptiles and the differences between them. As parents you can support your child in their growing awareness and interest in animals which would lead to deeper feelings of compassion and empathy in young children.
Methodology: Effective usage of Audio Visual learning, technology, art and craft and role plays.
Your child will learn the letters ‘CK’, ‘Ee’, ‘Hh’, and ‘Rr’, with their phonic sounds, how to blend and read 3 letter words and tricky words: me, go, no, my. Your child will also explore rhymes, stories, show and tell activity, picture talks, book browsing and newspaper reading.
Do reinforce the use of tricky words: I, the, he, she and do keep reading to them every day and make your home a print rich space.
Life Skills :
Good manners at School: This month, the students will learn about good manners at school which will foster a sense of respect for the school. Students will also learn about cooperation, sharing and caring for the peers.
The children will be introduced to numerals, concepts of colour and size.
Dates to Remember:
Health week Activity
Students to bring a 2”x 2” size picture of grains, pulses, fruits and vegetables each.
Portfolio Activity
Students to bring their family photo for digital portfolio activity.
Project Display
An invite with details will be sent.
Red Day
Students to carry a well labelled red object for the Show and Tell activity.
A soft copy of the Rhymes for the month will be mailed to you.
At Home You Can:
Read books about animals to your children and encourage their limited screen time to programmes with animals as the central characters. A visit to the zoo/wildlife sanctuaries is also recommended.
Spend your leisure time outdoors, as even the sight of a common squirrel or even a trail of ants on a sidewalk can be exciting and special. If you do come across wildlife, allow the children to observe and share their discoveries. Encourage their questions and conversations.
Web resource links that can help you in your venture include:
Learning about the animal kingdom is quite exciting for children, especially preschoolers, as animals have certain qualities that make them mysterious and exciting to children- e.g. they have special abilities like flying, digging and climbing, which children often fantasize about.
Thus the theme,‘Animal Kingdom’will provide an opportunity for our young ones to learn more about their forest friends and how these animals live in harmony with nature and make wilderness their home. The children will also learn about their food habits, family, physical features and their characteristics. They will be able to distinguish various animals based on their habitat, food and surroundings.
Methodology: Effective usage of Audio Visual learning, technology, art and craft and role plays.
Vocabulary will be enhanced through the introduction of letters ‘Gg’, ‘Hh’, ‘Ii’, and sight words related to the theme. Along with these various activities like show and tell, picture talk, rhymes and stories will be done regularly.
Life Skills:
Good Manners at School: This month, the students will learn about good manners at school which will foster a sense of respect for the school. Students will also learn about cooperation, sharing and caring for the peers.
The child will be exposed to numerals and concept of colours and shapes.
Dates to Remember:
Portfolio Activity
Students to bring their family photo for digital portfolio activity.
Project Display
An invite with details will be sent.
Red Day
Students to wear red coloured clothes and carry a well labelled red object for the ‘Show and Tell’ activity.
A soft copy of the Rhymes for the month will be mailed to you.
At Home You Can:
Support your child’s learning by browsing nature magazines, books, encyclopedias, or the internet for pictures of different animals. A visit to the zoo/wildlife sanctuaries is also recommended.
Web resource links that can help you in your venture include:
When children have opportunities to see wild life, a whole new world of wonder can open up. The animals need not be large or exotic, even the sight of common creatures such as ducks or squirrels would be fascinating for children.
In order to make it interesting for our toddlers, the theme ‘Animal kingdom’ is designed in such a way that children will develop a deeper understanding of animals that they are really fascinated by. The children will be able to identify the animals and distinguish them from pet / domestic animals.
Methodology: Effective usage of Audio Visual learning, technology, art and craft and role plays.
Vocabulary will be enhanced through the introduction of letters ‘Dd’, ‘Ee’, ‘Ff’, ‘Gg’ and picture vocabulary related to the theme. Along with these, various activities like book browsing, picture talks, rhymes and stories will be done regularly.
Life Skills:
Good Manners at School: This month, the students will learn about good manners at school which will foster a sense of respect for the school. Students will also learn about cooperation, sharing and caring for the peers.
The child will be introduced to numerals, concept of colours and shapes.
Dates to Remember:
Portfolio Activity
Students to bring their family photo for digital portfolio activity.
Project Display
An invite with details will be sent.
Red Day
Students to wear red coloured clothes and carry a well labelled red object for the ‘Show and Tell’ activity.
A soft copy of the Rhymes for the month will be mailed to you.
At Home You Can:
Support your child’s learning by browsing nature magazines, books, encyclopedias or the internet for pictures of different animals. A visit to the zoo/wildlife sanctuaries is also recommended.
Web resource links that can help you in your venture include: